Environmental & Sustainability Policy

Our Commitment to the Environment

We at Gardens4YouWales are committed to the protection and sustainability of the environment.

We strive to always seek new innovative ways to minimise the environmental impact that potentially can impact us within the business.

We believe that everyone is responsible for good environmental performance and standards as well as incorporating considerations into all our business activities.

Below are the Gardens4YouWales key principles that help provide a clear framework to help us set our goals and objectives to promote innovation, best practices and continuous improvement in environmental performance.  This will enable the business to establish, deliver and maintain a positive culture that achieves the performance that we always aspire to.  We:

  • Provide clear leadership that promotes good environmental standards and performance with adequate resources to achieve our environmental objectives;
  • Always meet and aim to exceed the requirements of environmental legislation, policies and charters;
  • Strive to continually improve on environment improvements, and to ensure best practice is implemented within aspects of work carried out;
  • To implement sustainable solutions for the company and community;
  • Prevent pollution whenever we can, but if an incident occurs we will respond effectively and efficiently to minimise the impact on human health and the environment;
  • Minimise and manage waste that we generate, and aim to reuse or recycle waste materials whenever it is practically reasonable;
  • Efficiently manage the risks when work activities are carried out, and improve sites environment standards by leading by example;
  • Ensure employees have the skills and competencies to contribute to developing a sustainable environment within the company;
  • Encourage open and honest discussion with employees, community and stakeholders to challenge performance in a positive constructive way that can help the company achieve the objectives set out for health, safety and environment;
  • Communicate effectively to raise awareness of environmental risks; and
  • Monitor and review our environmental performance, to ensure that we reach the highest standards expected on reaching ISO 14001, by having a robust management system in place that measures this performance


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